I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things. –Mother Theresa
Expect More Tehama uses collaboration to play on the strengths of partners in the community and on the Expect More Team. Often, what is difficult for one stakeholder is easier for another. This is true for accessing spheres of influence, reaching out to key community members; planning events; marketing; public speaking; grant writing; fund raising; and more.
Since 2009, other higher education initiatives have developed in the region, and collaboration and sharing of ideas has taken place. The McConnell Foundation, which has studied and assisted with efforts to increase the number of high school students going on to college for over a decade, fostered conversations around how to best work together. In studying collective impact models, we are weak without a structure that allows for dedicating staff and resources to accomplish all that we are striving for. Today, thanks to a generous grant from the McConnell Foundation, Expect More Tehama is a part of North State Together, a regional collaborative made up of Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, Trinity and Tehama Counties, plus a “hub” of professionals housed at Shasta College who provide leadership, assist with managing data, leveraging resources, and sharing best practices.
The purpose of North State Together is to increase community vitality by increasing educational access and success in the North State through local solutions within a regional support framework.